
coach outlet factory Theatrical Masks, And The Roles They Play_12145

Although masks have been worn in theatrical plays throughout history, the Phantom of the Opera抯 mask is quite unique. Instead of shielding the face horizontally as most masks do, the Phantom抯 mask divides the face vertically. This mask only hides half of the man抯 face梩he side that was terribly disfigured at birth. The opposite half of the Phantom抯 face is completely visible.

Phantom of the Opera Masks are favorites for Halloween and masquerade parties. An entire costume for the Phantom is quick to assemble and fun to wear. All a person needs is a Phantom of the Opera Mask, a dark suit and a cape. However, donning the attire of the 揋host of the Opera?is only one part of depicting the character of this interesting character.

By virtually every account the primary book, 揚hantom of the Opera?was not received well. In fact, it was discontinued from print more than once. It wasn抰 until it was turned into a play and the Phantom of the Opera mask was worn for the first time that the novel became a household name. The novel has been transformed into a silent movie and then a few regular movies over the years in different variations of musicals. Today, the 揚hantom of the Opera?is still the longest running play on Broadway.

The story is very complex in that one learns the most about Erik (the Phantom) from a Persian who appears at various times and offers data about the person wearing the mask. The phantom (or 揋host?as he was sometimes called) is a character as distinguishing as his phantom mask.

As a child Erik ran away from home and joined up with a group of gypsies. Though he made a living as part of the 揻reak show? he learned to be an illusionist, a magician and a ventriloquist. His voice was supreme and he became well known for his ability to sing. At some point a fur trader told the King of Persia about him and he was brought to the kingdom. Erik was also appreciated for his architectural skills and his genius.

The King had him build a new palace. The palace he designed was so strategically plotted that through a series of concealed doors and chambers, he could manipulate the transfer of sounds from any one part of the castle to be heard in another. No one felt safe there because they never knew who was listening. Even whispers could be heard and the king loved it, but because he didn抰 want the phantom to build a castle like his for anyone else, he ordered Erik抯 execution.

Erik escaped to Constantinople and designed many other brainy structures for the ruler. Again, he had to flee to save his life because of what he knew about these buildings. For a while, the genius behind the Phantom of the Opera mask built regular houses until winning the bid to design the Paris Opera House. This is where he resides for the rest of his life, in the cellars where he secretly made himself a home during the construction. A collection of concealed passages allowed him to move about the place at will.

As the story progresses, it is here at the Paris Opera house that Erik hears and falls in love with the soprano Christine. it is at this time he writes his masterpiece, 揇on Juan Triumphant? Though at first Christine thought he was 搕he Angel of Music?that her Father had told her about, and because of his ghostly actions and movements throughout the theater he becomes known as?the Phantom of the Opera? Always appearing well dressed and clad with a cape, the 揋host of the Opera?was most noted for his mask.

The costume of Erik is easy to create as long as you have a Phantom of the Opera mask. You can use any fancy dark suit and a cape along with the mask. Yet to really play the part is a bit harder 梤emember, this man was a genius, an architect extraordinaire who had a talent for music and a wonderful voice. It is the mystique about him that makes Phantom of the Opera masks fun to wear


