
  Couldn't we just finish those

  "Couldn't we just finish those?" pleaded Geordie.
  "The boys threw away half-smoked cigars; and your books must goafter them. Surely you would not be outdone by the 'old fellows,' asyou call them, or be less obedient to little Mum than they were toRose.""Course not! Come on, Geordie," and Will took the vow like ahero. His brother sighed and obeyed, but privately resolved tofinish his story the minute the month was over.
  "You have laid out a hard task for yourself, Jessie, in trying toprovide good reading for boys who have been living on sensationstories. It will be like going from raspberry tarts to plain bread andbutter; but you will probably save them from a bilious fever," saidDr. Alec, much amused at the proceedings.
  "I remember hearing grandpa say that a love for good books wasone of the best safeguards a man could have," began Archie,staring thoughtfully at the fine library before him.
  "Yes, but there's no time to read nowadays; a fellow has to keepscratching round to make money or he's nobody," cut in Charlie,trying to look worldly-wise.
  "This love of money is the curse of America,LINK, and for the sake of itmen will sell honour and honesty, till we don't know whom totrust, and it is only a genius like Agassiz who dares to say, 'I cannotwaste my time in getting rich,' " said Mrs. Jessie sadly.
  "Do you want us to be poor, mother?" asked Archie, wondering.
  "No, dear, and you never need be, while you can use your hands;but I am afraid of this thirst for wealth, and the temptations itbrings. O, my boys! I tremble for the time when I must let you go,because I think it would break my heart to have you fail as somany fail. It would be far easier to see you dead if it could be saidof you as of Sumner 'No man dared offer him a bribe.' "Mrs,Discount UGG Boots. Jessie was so earnest in her motherly anxiety that her voicefaltered over the last words, and she hugged the yellow headscloser in her arms, as if she feared to let them leave that safeharbour for the great sea where so many little boats go down. Theyounger lads nestled closer to her, and Archie said,Fake Designer Handbags, in his quiet,resolute way"I cannot promise to be an Agassiz or a Sumner, mother; but I dopromise to be an honest man, please God.""Then I'm satisfied!" and holding fast the hand he gave her, shesealed his promise with a kiss that had all a mother's hope andfaith in it.
  "I don't see how they ever can be bad, she is so fond and proud ofthem,Replica Designer Handbags," whispered Rose, quite touched by the little scene.
  "You must help her make them what they should be. You havebegun already, and when I see those rings where they are, my girlis prettier in my sight than if the biggest diamonds that evertwinkled shone in her ears," answered Dr. Alec, looking at herwith approving eyes.
  "I'm so glad you think I can do anything, for I perfectly ache to beuseful; everyone is so good to me, especially Aunt Jessie.""I think you are in a fair way to pay your debts, Rosy, for whengirls give up their little vanities, and boys their small vices, and tryto strengthen each other in well-doing, matters are going as theyought. Work away, my dear, and help their mother keep these sonsfit friends for an innocent creature like yourself; they will be themanlier men for it, I can assure you."

