

There is a buzz now and all those who want to cough, cough to their heart's content. There is the noise of feet shuffling and seats slamming, the steady, frittering noise of people moving about aimlessly, of people fluttering their programs and pretending to read and then dropping their programs and scuffling under their seats, thankful for even the slightest accident which will prevent them from asking themselves what they were thinking about because if they knew they were thinking about nothing they would go mad. In the harsh glare of the lights they look at each other vacuously and there is a strange tenseness with which they stare at one another. And the moment the conductor raps again they fall back into a cataleptic state - they scratch themselves unconsciously or they remember suddenly a show window in which there was displayed a scarf or a hat; they remember every detail of that window with amazing clarity, but where it was exactly, that they can't recall; and that bothers them, keeps them wide awake, restless, and they listen now with redoubled attention because they are wide awake and no matter how wonderful the music is they will not lose consciousness of that show window and that scarf that was hanging there, or the hat.

  这种聚精会神的气氛感染了会场本身,连乐队似乎也受到激励,变得格外精力充沛。第二个节目像最好的压轴戏似的结束了—它结束得这么快,音乐嘎然而止,灯打开时有些人像胡萝卜一样戳在座位上,moncler jackets men,下巴抽搐着。假如你对着他们的耳朵大喊”勃拉姆斯、贝多芬、门捷列夫、黑塞哥维那”,他们会不假思索地回答--4,967,289。
And this fierce attentiveness communicates itself; even the orchestra seems galvanized into an extraordinary alertness. The second number goes off like a top - so fast indeed that when suddenly the music ceases and the lights go up some are stuck in their seats like carrots, their jaws working convulsively, and if you suddenly shouted in their ear Brahms, Beethoven,fake uggs for sale, Mendeleev, Herzegovina, they would answer without thinking - 4, 967, 289.

  到演奏德彪西的曲子时场内的气氛已完全被毒化了,nike foamposites,我在纳闷,作为一个女人性交时究竟有何感觉—是不是对欢悦更敏感一些,等等。我在想象一件东西穿透两腿间那个地方的情形,不过只有一点隐隐约约的痛感。我企图集中注意力,但是音乐太难把握了,我只能想着一只花瓶慢慢翻转过去,音符散入空中去的情形,replica louis vuitton handbags。最后我只注意到开灯关灯了,我便问自己灯是如何开关的。我旁边的人在呼呼大睡,他像一个掮客,大肚子,蜡黄的小胡子。我就喜欢他这样,我尤其喜欢他的大肚子和所有吃出这样一个大肚子的食物。为什么他不该呼呼大睡?
By the time we get to the Debussy number the atmosphere is completely poisoned. I find myself wondering what it feels like, during intercourse, to be a woman - whether the pleasure is keener, etc. Try to imagine something penetrating my groin, but have only a vague sensation of pain. I try to focus, but the music is too slippery. I can think of nothing but a vase slowly turning and the figures dropping off into space. Finally there is only light turning, and how does light turn, I ask myself. The man next to me is sleeping soundly. He looks like a broker, with his big paunch and his waxed mustache. I like him thus. I like especially that big paunch and all that went into the making of it. Why shouldn't he sleep soundly?

