
  Brothers and sisters

  "Brothers and sisters, the white man has brainwashed us black people to fasten our gaze upon a blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus! We're worshiping a Jesus that doesn't even _look_ like us! Oh, yes! Now justbear with me, listen to the teachings of the Messenger of Allah, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
  Now, just think of this. The blond-haired, blue-eyed white man has taught you and me to worship a_white_ Jesus, and to shout and sing and pray to this God that's _his_ God, the white man's God. Thewhite man has taught us to shout and sing and pray until we _die_, to wait until _death_, for somedreamy heaven-in-the-hereafter, when we're _dead_, while this white man has his milk and honey inthe streets paved with golden dollars right here on _this_ earth!
  "You don't want to believe what I am telling you,foamposite for cheap, brothers and sisters? Well, I'll tell you what you do.
  You go out of here, you just take a good look around where you live. Look at not only how _you_ live,but look at how anybody that you _know_ lives-that way, you'll be sure that you're not just a bad-luckaccident. And when you get through looking at where _you_ live, then you take you a walk downacross Central Park, and start to look at what this white God had brought to the white man. I mean,take yourself a look down there at how the white man is living!
  "And don't stop there. In fact, you won't be able to stop for long-his doormen are going to tell you'Move on,link!' But catch a subway and keep on downtown. Anywhere you may want to get off,nike high heels, _look_ atthe white man's apartments, businesses! Go right on down to the tip of Manhattan Island that thisdevilish white man stole from the trusting Indians for twenty-four dollars! Look at his City Hall, downthere; look at his Wall Street! Look at yourself! Look at _his_ God!" I had learned early one important thing, and that was to always teach in terms that the people couldunderstand. Also, where the Nationalists whom we had "fished" were almost all men, among thestorefront Christians, a heavy preponderance were women, and I had the sense to offer somethingspecial for them. "_Beautiful_ black woman! The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that theblack man is going around saying he wants respect; well, the black man never will get anybody'srespect until he first learns to respect his own women,fake montblanc pens! The black man needs _today_ to stand up andthrow off the weaknesses imposed upon him by the slavemaster white man! The black man needs tostart today to shelter and protect and _respect_ his black women!"One hundred percent would stand up without hesitation when I said, "How many _believe_ whatthey have heard?" But still never more than an agonizing few would stand up when I invited, "Willthose stand who want to _follow_ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad?"I knew that our strict moral code and discipline was what repelled them most. I fired at this point, atthe reason for our code. "The white man _wants_ black men to stay immoral, unclean and ignorant. Aslong as we stay in these conditions we will keep on begging him and he will control us. We never canwin freedom and justice and equality until we are doing something for ourselves!"The code, of course, had to be explained to any who were tentatively interested in becoming Muslims.

