
  'I shall telephone to the office to send up a porter to removeyou

  'I shall telephone to the office to send up a porter to removeyou.'
  'I shall take advantage of his presence to ask him to fetch apoliceman.'
  In the excitement of combat the veneer of apologetic diffidencewas beginning to wear off Mr Mennick. He spoke irritably. Cynthiaappealed to his reason with the air of a bored princess descendingto argument with a groom.
  'Can't you see for yourself that he's not here?' she said,fake montblanc pens. 'Do youthink we are hiding him?'
  'Perhaps you would like to search my bedroom?' said Mrs Ford,flinging the door open.
  Mr Mennick remained uncrushed.
  'Quite unnecessary,nike shox torch ii, Mrs Ford. I take it, from the fact that hedoes not appear to be in this suite, that he is downstairs makinga late luncheon in the restaurant.'
  'I shall telephone--'
  'And tell them to send him up. Believe me, Mrs Ford, it is theonly thing to do. You have my deepest sympathy, but I am employedby Mr Ford and must act solely in his interests. The law is on myside. I am here to fetch Ogden away, and I am going to have him.'
  'You shan't!'
  'I may add that, when I came up here, I left Mrs Sheridan--she isa fellow-secretary of mine. You may remember Mr Ford mentioningher in his telegram--I left her to search the restaurant andgrill-room, with instructions to bring Ogden, if found, to me inthis room.'
  The door-bell rang,homepage. He went to the door and opened it.
  'Come in, Mrs Sheridan. Ah!'
  A girl in a plain, neat blue dress entered the room. She was asmall, graceful girl of about twenty-five, pretty and brisk, withthe air of one accustomed to look after herself in a difficultworld. Her eyes were clear and steady, her mouth sensitive butfirm, her chin the chin of one who has met trouble and faced itbravely. A little soldier.
  She was shepherding Ogden before her, a gorged but still sullenOgden. He sighted Mr Mennick and stopped.
  'Hello!' he said. 'What have you blown in for?'
  'He was just in the middle of his lunch,' said the girl. 'Ithought you wouldn't mind if I let him finish.'
  'Say, what's it all about, anyway?' demanded Ogden crossly. 'Can'ta fellow have a bit of grub in peace? You give me a pain.'
  Mr Mennick explained.
  'Your father wishes you to return to Eastnor, Ogden.'
  'Oh, all right. I guess I'd better go, then. Good-bye, ma.'
  Mrs Ford choked.
  'Kiss me, Ogden.'
  Ogden submitted to the embrace in sulky silence. The otherscomported themselves each after his or her own fashion. Mr Mennickfingered his chin uncomfortably. Cynthia turned to the table andpicked up an illustrated paper. Mrs Sheridan's eyes filled withtears. She took a half-step towards Mrs Ford, as if about tospeak, then drew back.
  'Come, Ogden,' said Mr Mennick gruffly. Necessary, this HiredAssassin work, but painful--devilish painful. He breathed a sighof relief as he passed into the corridor with his prize.
  At the door Mrs Sheridan hesitated,fake uggs online store, stopped, and turned.
  'I'm sorry,' she said impulsively.
  Mrs Ford turned away without speaking, and went into the bedroom.
  Cynthia laid down her paper.
  'One moment, Mrs Sheridan.'

