
Rhonda had returned to her regular exercise regime

The other day, I received a call from a past class participant of my group coaching class, 揗astering the Inner Game of Weight Loss.?Pleased with maintaining her current weight throughout the holiday season, Rhonda was now panic stricken that it was February and the scale wasn抰 moving. Although she hadn抰 gained back any of the 25 pounds she had lost, she was anxious to lose the next 10 pounds that would bring her to her maintenance goal. Rhonda had returned to her regular exercise regime and eating plan early in the year, but her weight remained the same. She had reached a plateau, and it seemed no matter how hard she tried, she couldn抰 break through. She moaned, 揇oes this mean I need to cut back my calories even more to reach goal, or do I have to accept that losing the last ten pounds just isn抰 feasible??br /> 揂bsolutely not!?I emphatically stated. Periods of hitting a plateau are necessary during weight loss, and should be seen as a welcome event. When the body plateaus, it means it is readjusting and settling in. It takes time to create a new equilibrium where the caloric intake and metabolic rate are working in sync to maintain this new lower body weight. However, after several weeks of a plateau, if there truly is additional body fat to be lost, it抯 time to shake things up and break through. But first, it抯 important to take a long and hard look at what抯 going on. Total self-honesty is imperative. Here is the process I went through with Rhonda. I asked her to remember the last time the scale was moving in a downward path on a consistent basis. What exactly was she doing, and not doing at that time? Is her exercise truly as consistent and intense as it had been? Was she diligently following the food plan she had created for herself? Had anything changed in her environment? After careful thought, Rhonda realized that she had let sugary desserts slide back into her days a little more frequently. Having allowed herself some slack at a few holiday parties, the craving for 搄ust a little treat?after dinner had been stronger than in the past. Also, with all of the snow, cold and ice of the winter months, Rhonda was taking the subway much more than in the fall, when she had been walking home from work most nights of the week. Having analyzed the situation, Rhonda actually started feeling pretty good about the fact that she hadn抰 gained weight despite these small differences. Motivated to get back on track and become a bit more diligent, we then went on to discuss the many ways to break through a plateau and get the scale moving once again. Here are those tips so you too can break your weight loss plateau. 1. Keep a food diary for one week. This is the best way to stay honest with yourself and to assure that excess calories aren抰 sneaking back into your daily input. Record everything you eat and be diligent about portion size. Don抰 forget to count the calories from beverages, including alcoholic ones. 2. Shake up your exercise routine. With improved fitness capacity, the body becomes more efficient at meeting the exercise demand and no longer needs to work as hard. The result is you burn fewer calories for the same amount of work. There are several ways to change your routine, such as increasing duration, frequency, or intensity, changing the mode of exercise, or incorporating interval training. However, if you are not doing so already, adding strength training to your exercise regime is the number one way to bust through a weight loss plateau. 3. Increase physical activity outside of the gym. Climb the stairs, walk to work, park further away from the store; all great ways to increase movement. Try wearing a pedometer and measuring the number of steps you take per day, aiming to accumulate more from your current average. 4. Change the composition and/or timing of your foods. Dieters tend to get very regimented around the foods they eat. Consider lowering your carbohydrate intake and upping your protein and healthy fats. If you are used to eating three meals a day, shift to five or six mini meals. Don抰 change the overall amount you eat, just your patterns and food choices, staying within the healthy guidelines that have worked for you so far. 5. Weight gain or plateau can often be due to water retention. Restrict salt intake, increase water intake, and reduce carbohydrates. These subtle changes just may trigger weight loss again. 6. You may need to eat more to get the scale moving downward again. If your daily intake has been slipping below 1200 calories (for women) or 1500 calories (for men), you may have triggered a starvation response in your body, which has caused your metabolism to slow. Try adding in a 100-150 additional healthy calories a day. 7. Take the emphasis off the scale and check for body composition changes. Since muscle weighs more than fat, if you抳e been strength training, you might not see a loss of pounds, but one in inches. Even if you didn抰 take body composition and measurements before you began you weight loss journey, you should be able to tell by the way your clothing is fitting, and the way you look in the mirror. Consider a weight loss plateau practice for maintenance. After all, anyone who has reached goal will tell you that maintenance is much harder than weight loss. Be patient, keep up your new beneficial habits, and eventually your body will settle in to its healthy, happy weight.

fresh air might just trigger a brain wave!

The office environment does not generally lend itself well to helping a person lead a healthy lifestyle. Long periods spent sat down at your desk or in meetings with biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks only a short walk away at the vending machine. However, you don抰 have to give up on being healthy just yet so put down that custard cream and read our 7 tips to helping you stay trim in the office. 1. Instead of emailing people who work on the same floor or in the same building as you why not go and speak to them instead. Although walking to the other end of the office may not be far, it all adds up and over time you抣l be surprised how much ground you cover in a week. Also, face to face conversations can save time and avoid frustrating games of email tennis as you can find out the information you need more quickly by talking to someone directly. You may even find that people will respond to you better if you抳e taken the time to go and see them rather than send an email 2. Office snacking can become a bad habit and it抯 all too easy to get hold of unhealthy food from the staff canteen or vending machines. Instead of waiting until hunger pangs strike, plan ahead and fill your desk draws with some healthy snacks such as nuts, fruit, raisins or raw vegatables such as carrot sticks. 3. Taking regular short walks through the day will not only help shed a few pounds but also relieve stress and help you clear you head and clarify thought processes. Plan in to your daily routine three or four 5 minute walks. You can even go with a colleague and talk about a particular issue or problem you might be trying to solve. You never know, getting out of the office and walking in the fresh air might just trigger a brain wave! 4. Drinking ice cold water is a great way of helping you lose a few extra pounds. This boosts your metabolism and can help you burn up to 100 additional calories per day whilst simply sitting at your desk. To make the drink a little more interesting try adding a few raspberries or lemon zest. 5. Even if you抮e sat at your desk try and stay active. Did you know that spinning on your chair 60 times burns 50 calories. Even standing up or using a wireless headset so you can talk on the phone whilst moving around the office can help keep those pounds off. If you are able to and you don抰 mind the odd funny look from you work mates try a few lunges to help get your body active. 6. Take the stairs and ditch the lift. As little as 10 minutes spent walking up and down stairs each day can help you shed 10 pounds in a year. If you抮e feeling energetic try taking double steps as this makes your muscles work harder and gets your heart pumping more. 7. Do you get your dinner from the nearest greasy spoon or is a pub lunch your daily treat. If you want to lose weight and save money why not plan ahead and start taking a packed lunch to work. You can then make sure you have all the healthy food your body really wants and needs to work properly. To give yourself extra motivation why not put the money you抳e saved into a jar and spend it on a weekend away or a nice meal. We抮e not saying it抯 easy and even the best intentions can go out the window once you抮e in the office dealing with the daily challenges. However, planning ahead and taking a little bit of time out for yourself each day may lead to improved productivity as you feel better and therefore perform better.

all fantastic foods whether you're dieting or not

Our bodies use food for energy and store excess energy in the form of fat. So should you eat more than the body will use for performing its daily actions and maintaining its cells, you're likely to put on weight. If you change from an inadequate diet plan of sweets and major junk meals to a wholesome diet plan, you'll see weight reduction over a period of time. Patience is known as for, but whenever you shed just a few pounds a week, you're much more most likely to help keep it off. - Little issues make all of the distinction. Eating 1 additional biscuit each and every week can lead to an acquire of five pounds a yr. So if you reduce out that biscuit, it functions exactly the same in the opposite path. And it is simpler to make these little adjustments than to painfully attempt to stick to a diet riddles with rules about everything you consume. - Beans are superb sources of protein and provide lots of calories. Virtually all beans are great for you. Pintos, kidney beans, dried beans, soy beans, black beans, green beans, and many other beans are all fantastic foods whether you're dieting or not. - You need to hide that frying pan and boil, steam, grill, and broil your meals. Always lean toward fat-free methods of cooking. If you see extra fat in your foods, eliminate it. Choose the leaner meats for the weekly meal planning. You are able to do things like pre-frying meat that is ground or minced inside a dry pan, and then soak up the extra fat having a paper towel. - There are many diets that will produce quick outcomes at the start, but then they slow down your metabolic process. So this means to be able to carry on losing weight, you have to cut down in your eating increasingly more. This can be very discouraging and will be the reason a lot of quit and give up. But when you return to your old eating habits, and throw that on top of a metabolic process which has slowed down, you regain the weight you already lost, and many occasions, even more. - Olive oil could be 1 of one's best diet options. It is great because it's a mono-unsaturated fat, and will give you the great kind of calories for your diet plan. It helps keep the cardiovascular system in tip-top shape. It's a great method to top off salads. Safflower oil and Canola oil are also great by doing this. - Even if you hate going to gyms, at least do something light in the method of exercise every week. Only a 20 minute stroll two or 3 times every week can make a large difference as opposed to nothing. Leave the car parked and walk somewhere when you get an opportunity. Walking can be extremely pleasant, and it is not as well strenuous. - Skipping meals and engaging in crash diets are not recommended. In the event you skip meals it slows down your metabolic process simply because it wants to conserve energy. In the event you ought to handle to drop a couple of lbs too rapidly, the physique can go into starvation mode, thinking it has been threatened. It will battle to save your storage of fat, so then you shed weight by using up muscle and water, and not by burning fat.


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Perhaps you have been in circumstances that caused you to think that maybe you'll want to buy cheap flat irons ? Many people have answered "yes" and gone on to actually do it. For many it is just a passing, fleeting thought that never gets anywhere, is soon forgotten. Quite a few do not try because they don't fully understand where to start. The aspect of maybe needing to perform some work puts others off. Others are too lazy to try, or lack motivation.

Now "Whoa Up" here one minute, my friend! Are those really valid reasons? What consideration was given to the reasons in favor? Were both sides of the question looked at? Did the negatives win out for the reason that advantages weren't considered?

Maybe that will require a little more thought... Let's just consider 5 various factors in favor of taking steps to stay away from buying low-cost straighteners and get some balanced perspective into the discussion.

To start with, some flat irons may be cheap but your hair is more important than your money because it can't be replaced. I hear what you are saying as you point out that a $15 flat iron is easy and quick to buy.. I quickly concede that's a good point. But we must also consider this, these inexpensive flat irons can really harm hair.. Additionally, one must consider that you cannot replace your hair if it has been severely heat damaged but money can be replaced..

Second, these straighteners don't always last very long. That's really the situation because the manufacturers don't necessarily use quality material when they make these flat irons.. That is why it just works out that, should you drop them, they could split very easily or even go wrong altogether.

Third,Array. Additionally, this slim coating on the plates in the hair straightening iron may start to chip off which leaves your hair exposed to the materialbeneath which will most likely be metallic. Ouch!

Fourth, these cheap straighteners don't always have the important features that many more expensive flat irons do like swivel cords, tourmaline, and movable plates.

Finally, if your cheaper flat iron breaks because it is not good quality then you will wind up having to buy another one anyway. You should go ahead and buy the good flat iron and save a lot of time, frustration, and money in the long run..

So just take a look at those points and weigh them in your mind. These factors create a fairly strong case for why you ought to avoid buying cheap flat irons.

Halt for a moment and consider all those things. Those identical 5 points convinced others. Will not they also convince you to avoid buying cheap flat irons for good ?


Perhaps you have been in circumstances that caused you to think that maybe you'll want to buy cheap flat irons ? Many people have answered "yes" and gone on to actually do it. For many it is just a passing, fleeting thought that never gets anywhere, is soon forgotten. Quite a few do not try because they don't fully understand where to start. The aspect of maybe needing to perform some work puts others off. Others are too lazy to try, or lack motivation.

Now "Whoa Up" here one minute, my friend! Are those really valid reasons? What consideration was given to the reasons in favor? Were both sides of the question looked at? Did the negatives win out for the reason that advantages weren't considered?

Maybe that will require a little more thought... Let's just consider 5 various factors in favor of taking steps to stay away from buying low-cost straighteners and get some balanced perspective into the discussion.

To start with, some flat irons may be cheap but your hair is more important than your money because it can't be replaced. I hear what you are saying as you point out that a $15 flat iron is easy and quick to buy.. I quickly concede that's a good point. But we must also consider this, these inexpensive flat irons can really harm hair.. Additionally, one must consider that you cannot replace your hair if it has been severely heat damaged but money can be replaced..

Second, these straighteners don't always last very long. That's really the situation because the manufacturers don't necessarily use quality material when they make these flat irons.. That is why it just works out that, should you drop them, they could split very easily or even go wrong altogether.

Third,Array. Additionally, this slim coating on the plates in the hair straightening iron may start to chip off which leaves your hair exposed to the materialbeneath which will most likely be metallic. Ouch!

Fourth, these cheap straighteners don't always have the important features that many more expensive flat irons do like swivel cords, tourmaline, and movable plates.

Finally, if your cheaper flat iron breaks because it is not good quality then you will wind up having to buy another one anyway. You should go ahead and buy the good flat iron and save a lot of time, frustration, and money in the long run..

So just take a look at those points and weigh them in your mind. These factors create a fairly strong case for why you ought to avoid buying cheap flat irons.

Halt for a moment and consider all those things. Those identical 5 points convinced others. Will not they also convince you to avoid buying cheap flat irons for good ?

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Plenty of people face different challenges daily. One challenge that many face is getting rid of body fat. Some appear to have no real trouble with simply overcoming that challenge and succeeding. Some don't ever succeed, although they struggle really hard. Just what exactly makes all the distinction between success and failure here? Which are the critical factors that pre-determine likely failure or success? Just how do you jump into the group which is going to succeed?

Getting a tips guide, a road map to guide you, is often a key factor in identifying important tasks beforehand. After getting a plan, knowing how, it is not difficult! Do you really need to get great outcomes with getting rid of body fat? Why then you'll definitely want to find yourself "a track to run on", and find out what is necessary, up front. You will want to find out all you can about precisely how and why...

Here are 5 ideas to help you succeed at getting rid of body fat:

1. Trying eating an apple a day. Why might you need to do that? Apples contain pectin which help prevents the body from absorbing too much fat
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Very well, let's say I follow this advice and what results can be expected? Tests have shown those ate 1 apple before a meal actually lost 33% more weight than those who did not at an apple.

2. Try eating more fish rather than red meat. The reason that this is very important is that often fish like salmon and tuna contain a natural fat burning hormone called Leptin which suppresses your appetite. And additionally, because you may not like to eat fish consider that are many recipes for fish that provide new and different flavors that may surprise you.

3. Starting eating avocados. Here's the reason for this, avocados a sugar called Mannoheptulose which helps prevent you from storing fat. A further reason in its favor is avocados are delicious and go great on salads.

4. Start eating oatmeal for breakfast. What exactly is very important with this? Oatmeal is loaded with fiber that makes you feel full suppressing your appetite. Another reason is eating oatmeal gives the body lost of energy.

5. When hungry between meals snack on raw and organic nuts. And why might this be a wise course of action? This is way to intake protein and omega-3s fat. What are the alternative good reasons in favor of this? You will have more energy and be able to burn fat faster.

To obtain great results with getting rid of body fat, just follow the five tips above. Then succeed and luxuriate in the entire benefits, enjoyment and fruits that go with your success. Not heeding the above points will bring on lower than satisfactory results. Substantially worse results than may otherwise be yours.


Each one of the following foods is clinically proven to promote weight loss. These foods go a step beyond simply adding no fat to your system - they possess special properties that add zip to your system and help your body melt away unhealthy pounds. These incredible foods can suppress your appetite for junk food and keep your body running smoothly with clean fuel and efficient energy.
You can include these foods in any sensible weight-loss plan. They give your body the extra metabolic kick that it needs to shave off weight quickly.
A sensible weight loss plan calls for no fewer that 1,200 calories per day. But Dr. Charles Klein recommends consuming more that that, if you can believe it - 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. He says you will still lose weight quite effectively at that intake level without endangering your health.
Hunger is satisfied more completely by filling the stomach. Ounce for ounce, the foods listed below accomplish that better than any others. At the same time, they鈥檙e rich in nutrients and possess special fat-melting talents.
These marvels of nature deserve their reputation for keeping the doctor away when you eat one a day. And now, it seems, they can help you melt the fat away, too.
First of all, they elevate your blood glucose (sugar) levels in a safe, gentle manner and keep them up longer than most foods. The practical effect of this is to leave you feeling satisfied longer, say researchers.
Secondly, they鈥檙e one of the richest sources of soluble fiber in the supermarket. This type of fiber prevents hunger pangs by guarding against dangerous swings or drops in your blood sugar level, says Dr. James Anderson of the University of Kentucky鈥檚 School of Medicine.An average size apple provides only 81 calories and has no sodium, saturated fat or cholesterol. You鈥檒l also get the added health benefits of lowering the level of cholesterol already in your blood as well as lowering your blood pressure.
Whole Grain Bread
You needn鈥檛 dread bread. It鈥檚 the butter, margarine or cream cheese you put on it that鈥檚 fattening, not the bread itself. We鈥檒l say this as often as needed - fat is fattening. If you don鈥檛 believe that, ponder this - a gram of carbohydrate has four calories, a gram of protein four, and a gram of fat nine. So which of these is really fattening?
Bread, a natural source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, is okay for dieting. Norwegian scientist Dr. Bjarne Jacobsen found that people who eat less than two slices of bread daily weigh about 11 pounds more that those who eat a lot of bread.
Studies at Michigan State University show some breads actually reduce the appetite. Researchers compared white bread to dark, high-fiber bread and found that students who ate 12 slices a day of the dark, high-fiber bread felt less hunger on a daily basis and lost five pounds in two months. Others who ate white bread were hungrier, ate more fattening foods and lost no weight during this time.
So the key is eating dark, rich, high-fiber breads such as pumpernickel, whole wheat, mixed grain, oatmeal and others. The average slice of whole grain bread contains only 60 to 70 calories, is rich in complex carbohydrates - the best, steadiest fuel you can give your body - and delivers a surprising amount of protein.
Easy does it is the password here. We鈥檝e all heard about potential dangers of caffeine - including anxiety and insomnia - so moderation is the key.
The caffeine in coffee can speed up the metabolism. In nutritional circles, it鈥檚 known as a metabolic enhancer, according to Dr. Judith Stern of the University of California at Davis.
This makes sense, since caffeine is a stimulant. Studies show it can help you burn more calories than normal, perhaps up to 10 percent more. For safety鈥檚 sake, it鈥檚 best to limit your intake to a single cup in the morning and one in the afternoon. Add only skim milk to it and try doing without sugar - many people learn to love it that way.
There鈥檚 good reason for this traditional diet food to be a regular part of your diet. It helps dissolve fat and cholesterol, according to Dr. James Cerd of the University of Florida. An average sized grapefruit has 74 calories, delivers a whopping 15 grams of pectin (the special fiber linked to lowering cholesterol and fat), is high in vitamin C and potassium and is free of fat and sodium.
It鈥檚 rich in natural galacturonic acid, which adds to its potency as a fat and cholesterol fighter. The additional benefit here is assistance in the battle against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and the development of heart disease. Try sprinkling it with cinnamon rather than sugar to take away some of the tart taste.
Try the hot, spicy kind you find in Asian import stores, specialty shops and exotic groceries. Dr. Jaya Henry of Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England, found that the amount of hot mustard normally called for in Mexican, Indian and Asian recipes, about one teaspoon, temporarily speeds up the metabolism, just as caffeine and the drug ephedrine do.
鈥淏ut mustard is natural and totally safe,鈥?Henry says. 鈥淚t can be used every day, and it really works. I was shocked to discover it can speed up the metabolism by as much as 20 to 25 percent for several hours.鈥?This can result in the body burning an extra 45 calories for every 700 consumed, Dr. Henry says.

- Ice Cold Compress.

Are you one of those people who's susceptible to getting frequent migraine headaches? Do you go crazy on your trips to the doctor for migraine supplements? Well, if thats the situation, then you might want to consider natural migraine remedies as a treatment for taking away the pain. They might not necessarily get the support of your physician or pharmacist, but they surely work wonders in ridding yourself of a migraine. Having said that, have a look at a few of these natural treatments for migraine headaches.

Fast Acting Migraine Remedies For Getting Rid Of Migraine Headaches...

- Have a Herbal Bath. Fill the bathtub with water and put a few drops of peppermint or lavender oil in the tub. These kinds of essences are extremely efficient at relaxing the muscles, thereby helping to relieve the migraine pain.

- Ice Cold Compress. This can be a HIGHLY efficient remedy for getting rid of a migraine. This would just involve doing a cold towel compress to the back of your neck. By dampening a bath towel and placing it in the freezer, it can then be used on the back of the neck to rapidly help ease the tension that could be causing your severe headaches. Aside from the back of the neck, also try this on the forehead too.

- Change Eating Pattern. Possessing a constant and regular eating pattern can significantly reduce the recurrence of severe migraine pain. When you eat regular, nutritious meals, your body receives all the nutrients it needs, thus the reduced occurrence of migraine headaches.

- Rest In a Dark Room. Lock yourself in a bedroom with the doors shut and the shades drawn. Make sure there's no exposure to sound and light. Close your eyes and stay still until the pain & symptoms begin to disappear. While it's not the fastest technique for eliminating a migraine, it's one of the most powerful techniques there is. Its advised to use some other treatments FIRST and then finish using this one.

- Meditate. Taking a tai chi or yoga course may be a really useful way of eliminating a migraine naturally. Yoga techniques and meditation exercises can offer the relaxation your body must have to get rid of the tension & stress inducing the migraines.


can do it PERIOD.

A near risk-free and immediate way to create residual income.

The Internet is a dynamic and ever evolving market place. It is full of promises and opportunities. It has the potential to turn people's fortunes around in very short orders. If you have been on the net for any reasonable length of time, such names as Yanik silver, John Reese, late Cory Rudl, Mike Filsame, Simon Garbowski and Mark Joyner to name just a handful, would not be unfamiliar to you. And if you are not familiar with these names, do not worry about it, you will soon be. These are regular folks that have leveraged the power of technology- the Internet to change their fortunes.

Apart from the big wigs, there are smaller folks out there who are raking in bundles of dollars everyday, using one or a combination of the various opportunities and income models the Internet has to offer. These income models range from affiliate marketing, Resell rights, and Downline builders, to Auctions, dropships, Permission marketing, Google Adsene and now Traffic arbitrage.

Of all the income models, I like Traffic Arbitrage the most. It is simple, easy and can be implemented in very little time, even by those who know nothing about doing business on the Internet, once they get the hang of it. Making it even easier, is James Jones using his new Traffic Arbitrage page builder at Click Profit Pro.

Traffic Arbitrage? I am glad you noticed. Yes, Traffic Arbitrage! I would not say "Google Traffic Arbitrage" as many would, because Traffic Arbitrage goes beyond Google. Google is mighty and powerful, but if I could achieve the same results using cheaper search engines, why not. It does not always have to be Google. The cheaper the Cost Per Click, CPC, the better for our purpose. Remember, we are not looking for FREE traffic. We are buying traffic in one market to be sold in another market. And targetted traffic is targetted traffic whether it is coming from Kanoodle or from Google. However, for our purpose, we are using Google Adwords and Adsense.

But what is Traffic Arbitrage? Coming from education, I am sold on the idea of breaking concepts down to their component parts. To answer that question, let's look at the definition of Arbitrage. According to the Encarta World English Dictionary, Arbitrage is "The simultaneous buying and selling of the same negotiables or commodities in different markets in order to make an immediate and riskless profit".

Looking at our keyword phrase, and the Encarta definition, it is clear that the commodity of our trade is internet or web traffic. Also looking more closely at our Encarta definition, three operative phrases emerge, namely: simultaneous buying and selling, different markets, and immediate and riskless profit. Now, I do not know about you, but of all the three operative phraseology, I like the last best-immediate and riskless profit. Wow!

Immediate and Riskless! I am SOLD. Going, going and gone.

I don't know about you, but I do not know any businesses where you can make immediate and riskless profit, other than Traffic Arbitrage. Even in Traffic Arbitrage, there is a minuscule element of risk. Very minute. I just have to be honest with you. But in the real sense of it, the profits can be immediate and near riskless.

How does Traffic Arbitrage work? I am glad you asked. It is simple once you understand it. And good a thing, it is not rocket science. If I do it, anyone one can do it PERIOD. It is as easy as that.

Now Google in her never ending wisdom, created two very compelling and successful campaign platforms- Adsense and AdWords. On the one hand, Adsense offers advertisers a way to reach deeper into their market without breaking their bank, by having Google place their campaigns on participating sites with content related to advertiser’s products and services. It also allows content creators a way to make a little money for making their webpage available for display of these adsense ads. The advertiser wins because he is getting perfectly target traffic and deeper market penetration, and the content creator wins because he is making a little money doing what he loves to do.

On the other hand, AdWords offer advertisers a quick and cost effective way to drive immediate and targetted traffic to their sites. Like Adsense, Adwords are on a Cost per Click basis, but unlike Adsense, they appear only on search displays on Google. The advertiser bids for a position on Google search results, and when a searcher clicks on the advertiser's ads, he the advertiser is charged the bid value of his campaign.

In part two of this two part series on Traffic Arbitrage, will look at the process of setting up a Google Adsense account and Adword account. We will also bring the components together to demonstrate how this genius technique can be use time and again to create residual income.

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Moving images used to be hostages to screens, both large (cinema) and small (television). But, the advent of broadband and the Internet has rendered visuals independent of specific hardware and, therefore, portable. One can watch video on a bewildering array of devices, wired and wireless, and then e-mail the images, embed them in blogs, upload and download them, store them online ("cloud computing") or offline, and, in general, use them as raw material in mashups or other creative endeavours.

With the aid of set-top boxes such as TiVo's, consumers are no longer dependent on schedules imposed by media companies (broadcasters and cable operators). Time shifting devices - starting with the humble VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) - have altered the equation: one can tape and watch programming later or simply download it from online repositories of content such as YouTube or Hulu when convenient and desirable.

Inevitably, these technological transitions have altered the media experience by fragmenting the market for content. Every viewer now abides by his or her own idiosyncratic program schedule and narrowcasts to "friends" on massive social networks. Everyone is both a market for media and a distribution channel with the added value of his or her commentary, self-generated content, and hyperlinked references.

Mutability cum portability inevitably lead to anarchy. To sort our way through this chaotic mayhem, we have hitherto resorted to search engines, directories, trusted guides, and the like. But, often these Web 1.0 tools fall far short of our needs and expectations. Built to data mine and sift through hierarchical databases, they fail miserably when confronted with multilayered, ever-shifting, chimerical networks of content-spewing multi-user interactions.

The future is in mapping. Maps are the perfect metaphor for our technological age. It is time to discard previous metaphors: the filing cabinet or library (the WIMP GUI - Graphic User Interface - of the personal computer, which included windows, icons, menus, and a pointer) and the screen (the Internet browser).

Cell (mobile) phones will be instrumental in the ascendance of the map. By offering GPS and geolocation services, cellphones are fostering in their users geographical awareness. The leap from maps that refer to the user's location in the real world to maps that relate to the user's coordinates in cyberspace is small and unavoidable. Ultimately, the two will intermesh and overlap: users will derive data from the Internet and superimpose them on their physical environment in order to enhance their experience, or to obtain more and better information regarding objects and people in their surroundings.

The Maps of Cyberspace

"Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation, by children being taught mathematical concepts... A graphical representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the non-space of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding..."
At first sight, it appears to be a static, cluttered diagram with multicoloured, overlapping squares. Really, it is an extremely powerfulway of presenting the dynamics of the emerging e-publishing industry. R2 Consulting has constructed these eBook Industry Maps to "reflect the evolving business models among publishers, conversion houses, digital distribution companies, eBook vendors, online retailers, libraries, library vendors, authors, and many others. These maps are 3-dimensionaloffering viewers both a high-level orientation to the eBook landscape and an in-depth look at multiple eBook models and the partnerships thathave formed within each one." Pass your mouse over any of the squares and a virtual floodgate opens - a universe of interconnected and hyperlinked names, a detailed atlas of who does what to whom.

eBookMap.net is one example of a relatively novel approach to databases and web indexing. The metaphor of cyber-space comes alive in spatial, two and three dimensional map-like representations of the world of knowledge in Cybergeography's online "Atlas". Instead of endless, static and bi-chromatic lists of links - Cybergeography catalogues visual, recombinant vistas with a stunning palette, internal dynamics and an intuitively conveyed sense of inter-relatedness. Hyperlinks are incorporated in the topography and topology of these almost-neural maps.

"These maps of Cyberspaces - cybermaps - help us visualise and comprehend the new digital landscapes beyond our computer screen, in the wires of the global communications networks and vast online information resources. The cybermaps, like maps of the real-world, help us navigate the new information landscapes, as well being objects of aesthetic interest. They have been created by 'cyber-explorers' of many different disciplines, and from all corners of the world. Some of the maps ... in the Atlas of Cyberspaces ... appear familiar, using the cartographic conventions of real-world maps, however, many of the maps are much more abstract representations of electronic spaces, using new metrics and grids."

Navigating these maps is like navigating an inner, familiar, territory.

They come in all shapes and modes: flow charts, quasi-geographical maps, 3-d simulator-like terrains and many others. The "web Stalker" is an experimental web browser which is equipped with mapping functions. The range of applicability is mind boggling.

A (very) partial list:

?a.. The Internet Genome Project - "open-source map of the major conceptual components of the Internet and how they relate to each other".

?a.. Anatomy of a Linux System - Aimed to "...give viewers a concise and comprehensive look at the Linux universe' and at the heart of the poster is a gravity well graphic showing the core software components, surrounded by explanatory text".

?a.. NewMedia 500 - The financial, strategic, and other inter-relationships and interactions between the leading 500 new (web) media firms.

?a.. Internet Industry Map - Ownership and alliances determine status, control, and access in the Internet industry. A revealing organizational chart.

?a.. The Internet Weather Report measures Internet performance, latency periods and downtime based on a sample of 4000 domains.

?a.. Real Time Geographic Visualization of WWW Traffic - a stunning, 3-d representation of web usage and traffic statistics the world over.

WebBrain and Map.net provide a graphic rendition of the Open Directory Project. The thematic structure of the ODP is instantly discernible.

The WebMap is a visual, multi-category directory which contains 2,000,000 web sites. The user can zoom in and out of sub-categories and "unlock" their contents.

Maps help write fiction, trace a user's clickpath (replete with clickable web sites), capture Usenet and chat interactions (threads), plot search results (though Alta Vista discontinued its mapping service and Yahoo!3D is no more), bookmark web destinations, and navigate through complex sites.

Different metaphors are used as interface. Web sites are represented as plots of land, stars (whose brightness corresponds to the web site's popularity ranking), amino-acids in DNA-like constellations, topographical maps of the ocean depths, buildings in an urban landscape, or other objects in a pastoral setting. Virtual Reality (VR) maps allow information to be simultaneously browsed by teams of collaborators, sometimes represented as avatars in a fully immersive environment. In many applications, the user is expected to fly amongst the data items in virtual landscapes. With the advent of sophisticated GUI's (Graphic User Interfaces) and VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) - these maps may well show us the way to a more colourful and user-friendly future.

R & D process.

One of the most effective methods to increase the uninterrupted period of a telephone work is to replace the source of energy. It is possible to buy higher capacity cell phone batteries that provide more talk time and stand by time between calls. High capacity batteries do weigh a little more, so they might not be the best choice for those wanting a featherweight cell phone. If there is no such battery for a certain model of the phone one can purchase another standard battery in case the basic has discharged.

So, Replace your original battery or keep an extra battery on hand as a backup for you.

Type and capacity characteristics must be taken into consideration when selecting a battery. Nowadays different types of batteries are available in the market.

Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) is the least expensive of rechargeable batteries, but suffers from inherent shortcomings like memory effect. Here, if the battery is not fully drained before recharging, the unused portion crystallizes hence the complete capacity of the battery is not fully used.

The Ni-Cd battery, which originated in the generation of black and white display mobile phones, is loosing its position in the market. The NI-MH battery also has little demand nowadays.

The colour display generation leads to wide application of Li-ion battery (Li-ion). The prime advantage of these batteries over NiMH is that they hold more energy for same weight and volume. Therefore, Li-ion batteries are much smaller and thinner in comparison. Also, they don't have any inherent memory effect. The only disadvantage is that they cost more than others.

Li-Po battery is the most new type available for your mobile phone. Li-Po batteries have evolved technologically from Li-ion batteries. A significant advantage of these batteries is that manufacturers can shape the battery almost however they please, which is very important to mobile phone manufacturers constantly working on smaller, thinner, and lighter phones. Many latest phones use these types of batteries. Their limitation is lower energy density and decreased cycle count compared to Li-ion. They are also expensive to manufacture - once mass-produced, the Li-ion polymer has the potential for lower cost.

Capacity of a battery is another index of a telephone quality. 600-800 mAch is an average index for ordinary phones. More modern models like smart phones and pocket pc are applied with batteries capacity reaching 1500 mAch.

Mobile phones manufactured by different companies support differently designed and developed batteries. But frankly speaking not many manufacturers at present time supply batteries with high capacity. Motorola company offers a few variants of High Capacity ion-lithium Battery for the popular series of V300/v500/v600/v620/v80/ E398, capacity ranging- from 750 to 1100 mA*ch.

You can significantly increase your talk time with Nextel i760 cell phone batteries. With Nextel i760 cell phone extended battery you can chat with friends and family longer than with a standard cell phone battery. Motorola also boasts Maximum Capacity Battery for Nextel i870 i875. It's up to 420 Minutes Of Talk Time Or up to 150 hours of standby time in digital mode.

Also Siemens famous lately for the small terms of continuous work of its telephones, at the beginning of 2006 made users happy, producing the model of Me75, with a battery on 1000 mA*ch.

BlackBerry Company comes with a great battery. The BlackBerry 1000mAh Battery (C-S2) used in many BlackBerry devices is reliable. On the 8700c it usually keeps going for 4 to 5 days. For those of you who speak hours and hours on the phone everyday, you will definitely want to consider the Extended Batteries. Instead of the regular 1000mAh, you can get up to 1800mAh providing anywhere from 60% to 80% more talk time.

If the term of non-stop work for you is critical, you should pay attention to Nokia 6310i and 1100 (a week without charge) or the Philips Xenium that boasts best-in-class battery performance. It's almost 2 weeks without charge!

So its possible to choose long lasting battery although you must be aware that it will cost and weigh more than average.

The question of continuous mobile phone work stands as never sharply today. By 2006, the colour display phone dominated the market. Along with the frequent appearance of camera phones and multimedia phones, functions of photo shooting, receiving and sending multimedia messages, and downloading high-capacity games are used more and more often. However, facing the more powerful 3G mobile phones, battery capacity is obviously insufficient. Mobile phone batteries tend to be lighter, thinner and higher capacity. Various new battery types such as fuel cell, Zinc-air and solar cell are in the R & D process.

AugustaM Sourcing LLC is a leading manufacturer and distributor of premium quality battery technology products. While worldwide customers require a partner who can reliably meet their demands for high-quality batteries at very competitive prices AugustaM Sourcing LLC provides high-quality, high-performance battery products at the lowest possible cost that could be delivered at the required time. You can take advantage of services from this internet shop if you want to buy new battery - AugustaMBattery is a useful address for you.

The company produces Wireless Phone Batteries including Motorola-iDen Batteries, Nextel-iDen Batteries, RIM-Blackberry Batteries and Spectralink and Nortel Batteries.

Its product range includes aftermarket replacement battery packs and charging solutions for portable devices such as Two Way Radios, Speciality Phones, Barcode Scanners, Barcode Printers, and Laptop Computers. All batteries are precision-engineered and rigorously tested for voltage, capacity, compatibility and safety to meet or exceed OEM specifications.

get to the wrong hands.

Ten years ago, trust is a word that you won抰 often hear mentioned when talking about the Internet. But as people抯 lives became more intertwined with computers and as computers continued to push towards a networked model, trust becomes more and more of an issue.

How did the issue of trust become such big thing to the Internet community? The answer probably lies in the story of one of the biggest Internet success story so far ?the story of Google, and how it revolutionized search.

Although Google did not invent the search engine, it was the first technology company that successfully created a search engine that gave search results of exceptional quality and relevance. Because of this, users started to become more dependent to the Google search engine in finding information on the Internet. Google became our first destination in our quest for the answers to most of our day to day quest for information. Suddenly we find ourselves searching Google or other search engines for our most personal issues. Questions that normally we抮e to shy to ask our friends about got their answers from the search engines. As the keywords and phrases that we enter on search engines piles up on their databases, they become more and more of a tell tale of certain aspects of our lives. There would have been no issue if our search queries vanished as quickly as we have asked them, but unfortunately this is not the case. Search engines keep a record of what we search on their search boxes.

The concept of personalization is one of the next big frontiers in the story of search, primarily because this is the one thing that might provide the most significant step towards quest for the perfect search engine ?one that gives us exactly what the users are looking for. Search personalization will be the reason why a soccer player will find soccer-related results when he searches for 揻ootball?on a search engine while an American football player will find his own set of search results when does the same search. The search results that we will see will be different from what others see because we have differing domains of interest. But first, in order for search personalization to happen, the search engines must keep a profile of all our previous queries for analysis. This is where the problem starts, and it was brought more into the prying eyes of the public when the US Federal Government asked for these search records from the major search engines. Three of the major search engines, Yahoo, MSN and AOL followed the request without questions, but Google questioned the subpoena and legally battled against giving the requested data. Google knew that it had to protect these search records if it wanted protect the company抯 credibility and to keep its user抯 trust. Although the information that was being asked by the Government did not contain details that will personally identify individuals, the move nevertheless made the public more aware of the possible dangers of other people accessing a record of their search queries. In the end Google won and was only required to submit a portion of the original data requested, but the fact remained that the actions of the other three search engines is something that customers should be wary of, whether the data contained personally-identifiable information or not. It was more of an issue of the said search engine companies easily caving in to pressure of the government to give such kind of data.

Because of this and the growing concerns about privacy and trust with search engines a survey was done among 800 American Internet users. The survey revealed that most users were unhappy about search engine companies keeping records of their search queries. The majority were also opposed to the idea of the government monitoring user抯 search engine queries. Not that people only cared now, it抯 just that many didn抰 realize the possible implications and dangers of the fact that their search queries were being monitored and kept by the search engine companies.

The scenario of the personalized search fully maximized is not too far off. If this is the future of search, then search engines must gain the trust of its users. The user抯 fear of saved search queries is not so much about the idea that the search engines are saving it as it is about the dangers of the possibility that these information might get to the wrong hands.

The issue of trust and privacy goes well beyond search though. There is this trend in the computer industry where the software applications that we use are becoming web services rather than stand alone desktop applications. Although this offers the benefit of being able to work virtually anywhere (where there is Internet connection), this also has the serious implication that the user抯 data will be stored on the Internet rather than on their hard drives. This has already happened widely in email, where web-based implementations are becoming more and more popular. With the advent of next-generation web applications fueled by new technologies and ideas, the concept of the web computer is slowly being realized. Privacy and trust will become more important in the future because then, user profiles will not be the only things that will be entrusted to the Internet companies -- users?documents and files must also be kept safe and secure.

The issue and problems of trust with Internet search engine and the World Wide Web in general is not about to go away. As the Internet industry pushes on to new era of personalization and web applications, the issue of trust will become more relevant. As the industry leader, Google is showing a good effort in building company trust in the minds of the users. Search engine companies and web applications providers must continue to strive to make their systems more secure and robust, and their policies stronger against sharing of sensitive data. Only when users begin to trust these companies will the idea of a web-based operating system be fully realized.

Sending Teaser Emails

You may choose to make money by selling products, services or you can also make money online by being an affiliate website.

Another way to make extra income in the internet is through Adsense. There are many opportunities on making money by using Google Adsense program. Small websites and even blogs can make a substantial amount of income by just using Google Adsense.

More and more people are now finding new ways to make money by using Google Adsense everyday. They are now discovering that tools included in the program can benefit them and also you can take advantage of these tools to make money online. The best thing about these tools is that it's free and relatively easy to use.

Here are some ways on how you can make extra cash on Google Adsense using free tools:

Article Submission

This method is one of the most effective tools you can use to make money from Adsense. The key to this is by creating targeted traffic and also increasing the number of clicks on the adsense. In order to make this work, you have to make an interesting article that people will actually read. It should be easy to read, informative and also fun. You first have to make an article about a specific topic and submit it to article submission websites where it will be published and are available for people to read.

Email Signature

Most people don't know anything about how useful an email signature can be. Since emails are forwarded all the time and sometimes copied by some people, you can make an email signature develop targeted traffic and having them click on the Adsense program, therefore, making extra cash.

Joining Discussion Groups

You can answer questions about a specific topic being discussed in a discussion board. By doing so, you can get people interested and may visit your website and click on the Adsense program. There are many online discussion groups where you can join for free and answer or ask questions. It can be a very effective way to make money using Google Adsense.

Sending Teaser Emails

Send emails to everybody in your address book and everybody in your inbox. Most people receive a lot of emails in their inbox everyday, you should make the sure that the subject line is eye-catching and the content should be very interesting and can get people hooked on reading it. You should also include your website URL in your email to make interested people to visit your website.

Always remember that you can make extra cash in Google Adsense by having huge amount of targeted traffic in your website. If the people clicks on the Adsense link, you will make money.

You can also make money in Google Adsense by blogging. This is one of the most effective ways to make Google Adsense work. Many people online reads blogs, if you create an interesting blog, expect to make a lot of money using adsense programs.

However, you have to be sure that the website blog you joined generates huge internet traffic to make maximize your blog readers.

Google Adsense is one of the best ways to make money online. With the right tools and the right strategy, you can be sure you can make a substantial amount of income using Google Adsense program. Always remember that targeted traffic is the key in Google Adsense.