
a bunch of free backlinks

Yes! Back links are still one of the most coveted items for webmasters who are into SEO and there are good reasons for it. Besides Google's urdent effort to crush down on link sales, buying links is often not a feasible option for small webmasters.Under such situation most webmasters would often resort to link exchange or spamming blog and guest books. But they are to no good ! So what other ways can a website get back links and that too for free?

There are actually more than one ways to get good quality free back links to your website.

a) Directory Submission : Submit your website to good quality directories. There are plenty of directories that are free yet useful. Try to make a list of them and submit to them in accordance to their T & C. Most directories would approve your listin if you follow their guidelines properly and you end up with a bunch of good free backlinks. To check for a good quality directory, remeber the following:

A good directory would never ask for a link back

Try to find how old the directory is -- the older the better

Check the number of sites already submitted - the more the number of sites the better it is

Check if the site links to websites that are potetial bad neighborhoods.

b) Blog & Social Media: Create a blog of your own. Believe me it is far better than spamming other's blogs :D In almost all SEO related websites it i preached that content is the key to success because search engines love content and good contents gain links. What better way would you have to present your good content to potential linkers than postin it in your blog? It is important that you create a blog as a part of your domain, i.e, if your domain is http://www.example.com/, you can have a blog as http://www.example.com/blog . This helps to transfer the power of the free back links that you get in your blog to the main domain also.

Create good content on your blog and submit them to the social media websites like Digg, Del.icio.us, Reddit etc. If your content is really good, you are sure to get a host of Free back links. ( this reminds me, probably I should make my next post on what is "Good content").

c)RSS Feeds: Generate a RSS feed and submit it to the RSS directories. On the Internet people are hungry for content, there might be a bunch of people waiting to put your RSS on their website and thus provide you with a bunch of free backlinks.

d) Submitting articles in an articles directory is very important for your online business. It gives you free targeted traffic as your authors bio is also attached with the article which contains the back links to your websites, when visitors read articles then they also visit your site and here they can be your free customer of the products you are selling. This also gives you the free backlinks, as search engines gives importance to these backlinks to any site and this contributes making your site's rank increase and making it important for search engines.

e) Press Release: We all know what press releases are meant for but an advantage that we should not overlook is that a press release would always contain a link back to the website. So a well circulated press release is equals to a bunch of Free back links.

f) Website Review: There are various websites and forums that conducts review of website/product/services. Submit your website to these and with each review you are sure to get atleast one free back link. ( Drawback: if your product/service quality is bad you might get some negative review which in turn can affect your business)

g)Freebies: For those webmasters who can afford or are technically very strong; offer free widgets, templates and other freebies that people can use on their website and blogs and ask them for a link in return. Most of them would happily link back to your website for a good free wordpress template or a fancy widget.

About Colorplaza Ltd:

Fastlab and eXaNetworks introduce 3rd generation online photo sharing

PMA/Las Vegas ?March 8, 2007 - Fastlab, the European online photo finishing service offered by Colorplaza SA / Switzerland, announces at PMA / Las Vegas the launch of Fastlab WebAlbums, a third generation online photo sharing system, in collaboration with eXaNetworks Inc. based in Portland, USA.

Fastlab WebAlbums brings together advantages from different existing photo-sharing technologies, but without their drawbacks. With Fastlab WebAlbums even large numbers of high resolution digital images can be quickly uploaded to a server and shared with friends online. Sharing is both free and unlimited. The image owner keeps control of the high resolution images and can allow their friends to instantly order photo prints from these images.

This free photo sharing service, offered in 8 different languages allows users to order photo prints, photo poster prints and personalized photo gift items, delivered anywhere in the world.


Additional information:

Fastlab WebAlbums is a world-premier in the online photo sharing domain and could be qualified as a third generation online album thanks to the eXaNetworks technology it uses.

First generation online albums, like those offered by Kodakgallery or Yahoo Photos, were based on the classic model of transferring high resolution files to a server where they are stored. The biggest disadvantages to this technique are the time needed to upload the photos, and trusting the images to the service that stores the images on a remote server. One advantage of this system is that the images are stored on the server in high resolution and anyone authorized can order photos or use the images for other reasons that require a high resolution image.

Second generation online photo albums such as Flickr and others offering 揚hoto-Blog?type services were incredibly successful thanks to their simple and easy methods of publishing and sharing photos online. The downside is that the images these services store online are not suitable for printing as they are downsized to a rather low resolution and only look good when viewed on a screen or for smallest format photo prints.

The third generation of online photo albums introduced using eXaPhoto technology brings together the upsides of the first two generations without their downsides:

- Thanks to the ingenious eXaPhoto plug-in for Internet Explorer, sharing high resolution images is done with amazing speed.

- The original high-resolution images are stored locally on the owner抯 computer and are only transferred once there is a need for the high resolution image, as when someone visiting an album wants to order photo prints or posters.

With Fastlab WebAlbums, anyone equipped with a PC and an internet connection can publish a large number of digital photos in no time at all and then share them with their friends and family without a quantity limit. The images are sent to a server in a resolution sufficient for viewing on a screen.

Certain new providers of WebAlbums have started to use the p2p (peer to peer) storage methods. While this is an interesting alternative to previous methods of image storage, this method requires that a visitor to the album uses the same, dedicated p2p software as the album creator. This creates a significant obstacle that users have to overcome. Unlike services using the p2p method, the eXaNetworks technology does not require the users to keep other people's images stored on his or her own hard disk.

The eXaNetworks technology only partially uses the p2p method of image sharing. For example, this permits authorized visitors access to high resolution images on the image owner's hard disk so that they can order photo prints. The eXaNetworks central application takes care of downloading the image in the required resolution from the owner's PC to the server to be used as needed.

The eXaPhoto plug-in only sends the image to the server in the required resolution for the task it is being asked to perform. Take for example: an 8 megapixel, 3.5MB image file stored on the owners?hard disk. Once shared in an album, the eXaPhoto program will only send a small approx. 50K version of that image to the server. This file size is good enough for viewing on a screen and takes at most only a few seconds to send. Now imagine that a friend sees this photo and wants to order a 6攛4?photo print of this image. The eXaPhoto plug-in then quickly transfers a version of the image in 300dpi, around 400K, which is sufficient to get a superb quality photo print. When a full resolution image is required, say for a large poster sized print, the eXaPhoto program will send a larger version of the image to be printed as a superb quality photo poster.

About Colorplaza Ltd:
Founded in 1999, Colorplaza Ltd is an independent company located in Vevey, Switzerland. Colorplaza specializes in online photo finishing and in the creation of digital imaging applications. Its principal service Colormailer is one of the leading international European services. Colorplaza Ltd also offers Fastlab as a budget priced photo finishing service. In partnership with Microsoft Corporation, the Fastlab service is integrated directly into Windows XP and Windows Vista in 10 European countries.

About eXaNetworks:
eXaNetworks Inc. is a privately held corporation based in Portland, OR, and was founded by veterans of digital imaging (founders of Image-in, Fotowire). eXaNetworks is developing an innovative, efficient and cost-effective technology and infrastructure for digital photo sharing solutions for consumers, professional photographers, photofinishing labs and OEMs.

deliver our message

Dotcom secret is a home study course, written by Russell Brunson. He is a genius in the world of internet marketing. He gave the detailed elaboration of all the considerations that are required for the success of a business. He helped many people in making quick money through his famous product, a Dotcom Secret.

After going through Dotcom Secret Reviews, there are many points that are worth noticing. Here is a discussion of few such essential things to ponder.

The very first point to consider is to decide, who your target market is? There are many people, who fail to distinguish their target customers from common man. If you don抰 know exactly, who are the people to whom you are going to sell your products, you can never succeed. There are many big companies such as Coke, Mc Donald etc?that rely on brand marketing. This publicity is to throw something out, so that the clients can remember their product, whenever they feel the need of it.

In this concept of internet marketing, we never go after every single individual, nor we need to depend on brand marketing, but instead we would like to know about our target market.

After learning and identifying target clients, we have to figure out the place, where we can get maximum clients. This is to ensure the right place to deliver our message.

Then, the message can be delivered either offline or online. In case of offline, the best way is to rent the mailing list of target people.

Dotcom secret comprises several tips and technique with detailed elaboration of transferring your message to clients. One of the very common and easy methods is to ask your client to fill the auto responder form on your website. This way you can come across some potential clients.

Dotcom Secret reviews throw light on the success of the product. After learning about target markets and ways of transferring message, you need to understand your client抯 need. This notion will surely help you a great deal, as your product will satisfy or fulfil the clients need and thus, would be more in demand. Above all, it would be directly or indirectly affecting your business.

Dotcom Secret reviews show that the pace at which Russell Brunson抯 product is gaining popularity. It has helped myriad of people to become a business magnate and raise quick money through their business success. This home study course has done wonders for millions of businessman.

Above all, Dotcom secret has made Russell Brunson elite in the field of online marketing. He became renowned at the age of 27 with his knowledge, observation and experience. His hard work fecundated and made him a star in the online world.

lucrative niche

Are you interested in selling online and looking for a product? If you enjoy reading, selling books may just be the perfect thing for you.

First, you will need to decide what types of books you would like to sell. Unfortunately, bestsellers are usually not moneymakers. Nonfiction books are often a good choice. The most recent editions of textbooks often sell well, especially during the back-to-school rush and for homeschooling families. You might choose to sell books based on your interests such as fishing, crafting, or automotive books. Antique books can be another lucrative niche.

Whatever type of books that you wish to sell, you will need to do research on which authors, titles, and publishers bring good prices. ebay (search on completed auctions for books that actually sold)and Amazon are good places to begin your hunt. Take notes of titles that sell for over $30.00.

Next, you will need to find a source for books to sell. Yard sales, thrift stores, library sales, and used bookstores are good places to start. Remember that a book's condition is usually very important in determining the price. Use Amazon's book condition criteria as a guideline. Special editions and autographed books can sometimes command higher prices.

Bring your list of high-dollar titles with you and if possible, a cell phone with an internet connection so that you can look up prices on the spot. Specialized book-pricing software is also available for some devices to speed up the process. Note that looking up every single book that you encounter can be time-consuming and may also arouse suspicion on the part of the seller. The hours spent familiarizing yourself with good titles and publishers will help teach you to weed out the duds so you can focus on better prospects.

As you spend time scouting for books, you will develop an instinct for what might bring good money and what probably will not. Remember, you may not find some titles listed online, especially antique books. This could mean that you have a rare book or that the book is worth nothing so no one bothered to list it.

Choose a net profit point for profitability on a book sale. Remember, you will have shipping costs, book storage expenses and shipping supply expenses. Also, your time will be involved with hunting for books to sell, listing books online, answering questions from potential buyers, and corresponding with your buyers. You might find that you average $8.00 for all of the above costs. You want to make sure that the potential selling price of the book is more than your cost for the book plus eight dollars so that you make a profit.

Before listing your books online, be sure that you have shipping supplies available, an email address, a reliable internet connection, and a safe place to store your books.

After you find books that you are ready to sell, decide where you want to sell them. Two popular places for book sales are Ebay and Amazon. Amazon generally commands higher prices, but Ebay may get the books moved faster if you use an auction format.

Be sure to answer any potential buyer questions promptly. When an item sells, ship promptly. Email the buyer to let them know when the package shipped along with a tracking number if available. Excellent communication is key to getting a good seller rating.

Treat your online book selling as a business, keeping your business expenses separate from your personal expenses and maintaining good records.

Having a buyer thrilled that you were able to provide a rare book that they have been searching for is very gratifying. Selling books online can be a great work-from-home opportunity for bibliophiles!

With the numerous advantages of Wifi Internet access

The Internet is a very comprehensive source of information, as well as a fast and convenient means of worldwide communication. The importance of a safe, fast and reliable Internet connection is particularly important in the business world, where communication via the Internet is prominent. Furthermore, business users gain extra time and fulfill their tasks faster and more accurately if they can connect to the Internet whenever they need to and irrespective of their location. Wireless networking is therefore a must in all business environments. Wifi hotspots can be found in a wide range of locations, from public places, such as coffee shops, libraries and hotels, to multi-family dwellings and apartment complexes.

With the numerous advantages of Wifi Internet access, there is little wonder why Wifi networks have experienced such a growth in popularity. Wifi networks provide better speed for your Internet connection, due to the large bandwidth offered by wireless cutwork. Cost-effectiveness is another advantage of Wifi networks. With Wifi Internet connections, there is no need for wiring, which means that the incurred cost is considerably lower. The process of establishing a wireless a Wifi network is also easy and support is typically provided around the clock by Wifi companies.

The flexible and easy Internet connectivity provided by Wifi networks has led to an increasing demand for Wifi service. Hotel Wifi services have grown in popularity over recent years, on account of their two main advantages, namely cost-effectiveness and easiness of providing and managing Wifi services in hotels. Cost can be one of the major factors with hotel Wifi services. Furthermore, keeping customers connected and fully satisfied requires permanent service, optimization and maintenance. This means that your choice of Wifi network provider should also be based on the existence of hotel Wifi network tech support among the services they provide their customers with. Indianapolis Wifi operates on low capital costs and focuses on providing their customers with permanent service, maintenance and optimization for the existing hotel Wifi networks. They also provide assistance through the toll free access tech support lines and on site service.

A satisfying Wifi experience equals a good Internet experience, which can be leveraged by hotels as a competitive advantage. The quality of hotel Wifi network tech support is also of great importance in gaining a competitive advantage. Hotel Wifi services should focus primarily on servicing, maintaining and optimizing networks, so that the quality provided by the hotel in this respect be excellent. Indianapolis Wifi is a trustworthy and reliable provider of hotel Wifi services. Their competitive prices and readiness of support and assistance, both by phone and on site, make them an excellent choice for hotel Wifi services. With Indianapolis Wifi, using Wifi networks is easy and seamless. Moreover, their hotel Wifi network tech support is the key to enhancing the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers.